27 April 2011

Favourite Quotations

"Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end."

"Life is about trusting your feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories, learning from the past, and realizing people change."

"You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel."

"True love is not how you forgive, but how you forget, not what you see but what you feel, not how you listen but how you understand, and not how you let go but how you hold on."

"You are my soul mate, my sweetheart, you are my dream come true, from now until the end of time I give my heart and soul to you."

"First love, the love that clings to your heart forever, no matter how much pain it has caused, no matter how many tears have fallen, first love will never leave my soul."

"I will always be there for you, through the good times and the bad, the smooth and the rough, or just any other time you need somebody ... Just look for me, and I'll be there for you."

"I will always be there for you, through the good times and the bad, the smooth and the rough, or just any other time you need somebody ... Just look for me, and I'll be there for you."

10 April 2011

menjelang anniversary :)

uyeee besok gw 3 bulanan :) hhe gak nyangka uda 3 bulan aja gw sama edo....setelah sekian lama gw gak nge-post gw punya banyak kisah...sekarang papanya edo lagi sakit :( semoga cepet sembuh yah om..hmm,, edo jadi suka bnegong mikirin papanya...gw gak tega kalo dia lagi kaya gitu...gw gak tau mau hibur dia kaya gimana :( gw cuman bisa bantu doa tiap hari buat papanya...
selain kejadian itu, banyak lagi kejadian lainnya...gw berantem sama winda, gw ribut sama verena, sampe suatu kejadian diaman gw cemburu sama seseorang dan dia kayak gak pernah cemburu aja...bukan dimaklumin..gw sih gak mau cari ribut...udah dari dulu gw lupain...jangan ampe dianya aja yang cari gara"...abis itu juga mempeributkan kisah dia dengan mantan...lagi dia juga gak peka banget...gak tau kalo dia cerita gitu gw bakal gimana...hmm,, gila seneng banget besok 3 bulanan hahaha
selama liburan uas kelas 3 dulu dia selalu ke rumah buat main, di sekolah juga barengan, entah kenapa gw gak ketemu dia bentar aja tuh gw udah kangen banget...gw gak akan bisa bayangin hari" gw dilewatin tanpa dia...pasti kerasa sepi banget...
hmm,, kamu jangan pernah ninggalin aku yahh...kalo bisa kita langgeng sampe nikah...amin amin amin... aku bakal berusaha banget jadi yang terbaik buat kamu dan aku gak mau pisah dari kamu...aku bakal berusaha biar gak gampang marah dan aku juga bakal brusaha buat terima kamu apa adanya dengan sikap kamu yang cuek :) Love you forever and ever sayang :* ({}) semoga kita bisa saling ngertiin satu sama lain yah sayang :* 

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